The Peace Tax 7

Britain became the first country to recognise conscientious objection to military service through the Military Service Act 1916, including a clause to excuse those who felt morally compromised and offer them alternative nonviolent service. Since then, the right to conscientious objection to military service has spread throughout the world and is a human right under Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. We no longer have conscription – except when it comes to taxes. The Peace Tax 7 mounted a nine year campaign to prevent the state from coercing taxpayers into funding military interventions that would lead to the death of men, women and children worldwide. But wars make money & the banker always wins. However, as the UK government is in breach of international law, if you continue to fund their crimes as a taxpayer, you will be complicit. So set aside your taxes in a trust until the government is prepared to honour those laws to which it is a signatory.

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