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Rt.Hon. Rachel Reeves MP Chancellor of the Exchequer HM Treasury
1 Horse Guards Road LONDON SW1A 2HQ
Dear Chancellor,
30th January 2025
This is now my third attempt within the last three months to elicit proper answers from you, as our elected public servant responsible for HM Treasury and the sound management of the British economy, about our evidence-based concerns around money creation and money supply and, in particular, the relationship between HM Treasury and the Bank of England.
It is our considered opinion that the British people have been deliberately betrayed by our political class since 1694 when our nation was unlawfully subjected to wholesale organised usury and the machinations of private central banking, including the creation of the now soaring national debt. And the refusal by successive chancellors to engage properly and logically with our growing concerns would strongly suggest that we have touched upon a very raw nerve indeed.
For those of us who are researchers and analysts, the evidence is now compelling that there is something deeply wrong with our economy and the direction in which it is being taken. Indeed, it would appear that something incredibly dystopian has been unleashed which is now affecting everyone in an increasingly worrying and harmful way.
We now know with certainty, and with our Monarch’s full blessing, that the entire global economy is being taken towards a planned ‘Great Reset’, otherwise known as the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’, by harnessing the contrived economic and political system known as ‘Stakeholder Capitalism’. This is all the brainchild of the private World Economic Forum (WEF) which you attended last week when you went to Davos to curry favour with the unelected and unaccountable billionaire technocrats and business moguls who steer and shape the global economy from behind closed doors, well away from any sort of public gaze or proper scrutiny.
This informative and well-made video confirms beyond all reasonable doubt the existence of this ‘under the radar’ global economic and political strategy that is currently leading the world towards accepting an undemocratic ‘technocracy’. What we are in fact witnessing is the same Orwellian mix of cutting-edge artificial intelligence, surveillance technologies and digital-led governance that makes up the system of total control being rolled out in Communist China…and which has the clear fingerprints of the WEF all over it.
To create the public acceptance needed to undertake such a draconian future, the global economy has to be seen to collapse in such a way that ill-informed and distraught people
demand ‘order out of chaos’. With the world currently drowning in unsustainable debt (nearly $73 trillion at the time of writing), such a scene of financial devastation and mayhem will not be hard to trigger as the private financial markets are already extremely jittery, sensing that this massive and unsustainable debt bubble is ready to burst at some point soon. And let’s not forget the quite unfathomable and casino-style derivatives market which, in this article, is described as a potential $2.3 quadrillion global timebomb! Even some of your fellow WEF attendees are clearly nervous about the direction the global economy is heading in as public debt soars.
Indeed, it has to be said that on your watch, and by your ‘decisive’ actions, the British people are also becoming increasingly nervous and are beginning to see just how vulnerable our economy is as borrowing from the private financial sector reaches completely unsustainable levels. The servicing alone for our so-called ‘national debt’ (now well over £3 trillion and growing astronomically) involved an eye-watering monthly interest payment last month of almost £8.3 billion.
After your extremely unhelpful (but perhaps helpful for the ‘Great Reset’?) Budget, which is causing a great deal of distress for family-run farms, small and medium-sized businesses and a huge number of private schools, the evidence is growing daily that the nation as a whole is now hurting badly. Both people and businesses are starting to feel desperate as clear lies, gross deception and monetary fraud are all allowed to get the upper hand in the way our country’s finances are both governed and managed.
Unsurprisingly, there are now strong rumours and suggestions that some sort of massive global financial and banking collapse is increasingly likely in order to fast-track the planned Central Bank Digital Currencies, along with increasing the overall power status of the private central bankers led by the virtually unknown and highly secretive Bank for International Settlements (BIS), an organisation that has even given itself diplomatic immunity in order to hide its machinations that affect us all…including its current status (as one of my questions made clear) with HM Treasury and yourself, as Chancellor.
The bottom line is this, Chancellor. You are now responsible for overseeing the British economy that is totally entrapped within a global system of banking and finance that is in the hands of private, unelected, unaccountable people who meet and make decisions in complete secrecy. This is clearly not morally right nor indeed acceptable to any right-thinking people. And when I write two detailed letters exposing all of this in detail, with the help of information given to me by ‘insiders’ and a learned team of researchers, you chose to treat me in an utterly contemptible way.
My first letter, dated the 2nd October 2024, exactly one month before your first Budget, with twenty-eight pages of detailed evidence, was emailed to the Treasury by my MP, Tim Farron. He eventually received this derisory response which made no attempt whatever to answer the four questions set. Then, on the 5th December, I sent this new letter which Tim forwarded onto you with a covering letter. In it, there were five questions for you to answer. Those questions were:
Eventually, after a reminder letter from Tim Farron stating that no response had been received, this letter arrived, dated January 13th signed by Tulip Siddiq MP, the then Economic Secretary to the Treasury.
When you read the above five clear questions that required answering, anyone with a smidgeon of common sense can see that this is a truly pitiful response from Ms. Siddiq. The only conclusion you can arrive at is that this response was all that she could do. It was clearly designed to obfuscate and to deflect in such a way that I might just lose interest and go away quietly, albeit extremely frustrated.
Of course, we all know that had detailed and truthful answers been given to each of those five questions set, this would have exposed the hidden modus operandi and relationship that exists between HM Treasury, the City of London and the Bank for International Settlements…exactly as Professor Carroll Quigley makes clear in his 1966 quote which I use at the end of this letter.
The irony, too, was not lost on me that Tulip Siddiq, who was also the Anti-Corruption Minister as well as being the City Minister responsible for the City of London, resigned the very next day on January 14th from her post in government because she was under investigation for possible fiscal wrong-doing.
So, having had these two attempts to get to the truth about money creation and money supply thwarted, can you please now extend to me the common courtesy of responding
yourself by giving my MP, Tim Farron, the detailed answers required to each of those five questions. I would also like you to please answer this new and important sixth question…
6. Are you at all concerned, in your capacity as Chancellor of the Exchequer, that the entire global financial and banking system, including the volatile and pivotal financial markets, is all in the hands of powerful private people who are unelected, unaccountable and who meet in secrecy to decide how much money…or, more accurately, how little money… the world is allowed to spend?
When you respond, Chancellor, will you please lay down the six questions asked, numbering them from one to six, and write your detailed responses underneath each one. This would constitute a full, honourable and acceptable response from yourself which will clarify where we all stand as regards the Treasury’s current relationship with the privately owned and debt- creating central banking system run by the BIS, not to mention the plans for ‘Stakeholder Capitalism’ being advocated by the privately-run WEF.
And one final point before finishing. Should there be a sudden financial collapse with a run on the banks that would considerably harm and distress an untold number of completely innocent people, I now require from you your own personal assurance that you would do what David Lloyd George did in August 1914 with the so-called ‘Bradbury Pound’. In other words, as our public servant tasked with the lawful and effective running of our economy, you would have no choice but to trigger this fiscal mechanism which would protect and underpin the entire lawful part of the British economy – namely people’s jobs, savings, investments and pensions – from the criminal machinations of those who have this dark and top-down ‘technocracy’ agenda for the human race.
Finally, I come now to that quote by the esteemed historian, the late Professor Carroll Quigley, which sums up in one paragraph the criminal shenanigans going on today concerning international finance and central banking and which our current government, as with all previous governments, appears to be beholden to…all at our expense and our suffering as you try and fill in that imaginary £22 billion debt hole!
Written in 1966, the professor wrote:
“The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups.” [My emphasis]
Chancellor, I find it hard to believe that you didn’t know any of this already. Why are we allowing private, secretive, unelected and unaccountable corporations to dictate to us, a sovereign nation, when we have the lawful power to create our own debt-free and interest- free money based solely on our nation’s credit and creativity…just as we did in August 1914…and as we do today with our Treasury-created coins of the realm?
I now await, through my MP, Tim Farron, your personal and detailed answers to each of these six important and politely-put questions, along with an assurance that should there be a sudden banking and financial collapse, you will without hesitation expand Treasury M0 so that the credit and creativity of the nation underpins and stabilises the entire lawful part of the British economy. To reiterate, it worked brilliantly in August 1914 and it could just as easily work again today.
With kindest regards,
Justin R. G. Walker (Co-founder of The Great Rising)
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