Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions. Take a little time to read them but please get in touch if you need more advice.
How do I fill in the form?
Add your name address etc and in the tax ‘Consent to Pay’ line, add the total amount of Taxes & Fines you are consenting to pay so long as the government can guarantee your demands and show they are not involved in any criminal activity.
What do I do with the form?
Get the deed witnessed and keep a couple of originals. Send a copy (registered post and/or email) to each body; HMRC, Council etc. There are some sample letters available on this site, though it’s always best to make the words your own as the Councils & HMRC respond better to individual letters.
What will happen next?
When you receive further correspondence from HMRC or the Council, explaining how they are processing your complaint, point out to them that this is not a complaint. Always be polite but stand your ground. It’s important to state that you are not willfully refusing to pay tax, you are merely putting a condition on HM Government (HMG) collecting your taxes, namely that HMG cannot use any of your taxes for criminal purposes, such as wars of aggression, crimes against humanity, terrorism and genocide. Because HMG is named as the Primary Beneficiary of your Trust, the monies belong to them and they may collect these monies at the end of the financial year, so long as they meet your conditions.
Can I use this to hold money for my kids in trust?
No. This is specifically a Deed of Discretionary Revocable Conditional Trust and Withdrawal of Consent to Illegal Taxation for your taxes. You would need to talk to a lawyer (or accountant) to set up a Trust for your children.
What happens at the end of the tax year?
If by the end of the tax year the government is able to show it has ceased to be involved in any illegal activity, then you pay the taxes to the government. If the government is not able to show this, the money goes to the Secondary Beneficiary, which is you. In the case of an employer withholding taxes for his employees, the monies go back to the employees. As it is highly unlikely HMG will comply with your lawful conditions, the monies will be returned to you and you can use the monies to fund local causes. As the government is unable to uphold the law, we recommend keeping your taxes in the trust for longer than the tax year to protect yourself from the unlawful coercive actions of government.
But if I don’t pay Council Tax, who will pay for the local amenities, like buses and the library?
In the first instance the important thing is not to fund wars. No funding, no wars. Once you have committed to forcing the government to behave responsibly, it either will choose to behave responsibly (unlikely) or will not (likely). You and a collective of local residents can set up a Community Co-operative Taxation Trust in which your taxes can be paid and you can help finance your local community.
What if I’m not self-employed and my employer automatically deducts NI and P.A.Y.E?
You need to inform your employer that when Britain signed up to the United Nations Charter, the Rome Statute, the International Criminal Court and Nuremberg, they had a duty to honour these solemn and binding agreements made between nation States. As they have not, it is up to every one of us to honour what was agreed, including to resolving all disputes peacefully and never intervening directly or indirectly – for whatever reason – in the external or internal affairs of any other state. It is contrary to the Nuremberg Charter to initiate a war of aggression – the supreme international crime.
If I am employed where my NI and P.A.Y.E. is taken at source, do I need to fill out both deed forms?
If you are the owner/director/CEO of a business, and wish to hold back P.A.Y.E. and NI on behalf of your employees, fill in the CORPORATE DEED.
As an employee, you can give the CORPORATE DEED to your employer and ask them to complete it for all employees. If they have questions about it ask them to get in touch with us at
Employees can still use the basic DEED to hold back all other taxes and fines such as Council Tax, ULEZ, parking tickets & fines etc.
Does the Primary Beneficiary Need to Sign the Deed of Declaration?
No. The Primary Beneficiary doesn’t need to sign. This is not a contract. It is very similar to a living Will. The beneficiaries of Will don’t need to agree to the Will. All they need to know is that they are beneficiaries and if there are conditions attached to the will then they need to know them so that they can choose whether to meet them or not.
But if I haven’t given the HMRC any money, how have I paid?
Once you have completed the Trust document & had it witnessed, place your tax monies either in a bank account [one from which nothing can be deducted] or in a lock box labelled Trustee and send copies of the Trust Deed to HMRC and the Council. This money now belongs to the government and they can collect it so long as they can prove beyond any reasonable doubt that none of those monies will be used to fund crime.
On 5/4/25 you need to check whether the Government has met your conditions. If it has then start paying the taxes. If it hasn’t, then write to HMRC and the Council formally revoking their right to claim any back taxes from you (see ‘Trustee’s End of Year’ letter at the bottom of the page) and set up a new Declaration and Deed of Conditional Trust for the next year ahead. But make sure you never again send them any money in lieu of taxes. Because if you do you will be committing a criminal offence under sections 15 and 17 of the Terrorism Act 2000 and section 52 of the International Criminal Court Act 2001.
Won’t the HMRC come after me, no matter what the law?
Of course. Their job is to collect money. Yours is to ensure it doesn’t get spent on war crimes. The Trust isn’t a panacea. But if our MPs refuse to bow to the will of the people, a peaceful taxation revolt is the next step. You have already paid your tax into a trust for HMRC as the Primary Beneficiary. The Trustee (you) is duty bound to uphold the terms and conditions of the Trust so can compel HMRC to prove (with documentary evidence) that all four conditions of the Trust have been met and you can remind the individual tax collector that under section 19 of the Terrorism Act 2000 that he/she has a legal duty to report the individuals concerned to the police for their offences of ‘fundraising for the purposes of terrorism’ under sections 15 and 17 of the Terrorism Act 2000 AND for conduct ancillary to genocide under section 52 of the International Criminal Court Act 2001.
HMRC & the Council will treat the Trust as a complaint. It won’t alter their behaviour towards you.