Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions. Take a little time to read them but please get in touch if you need more advice.

How do I fill in the form?

What do I do with the form?

What will happen next?

Can I use this to hold money for my kids in trust?

What happens at the end of the tax year?

But if I don’t pay Council Tax, who will pay for the local amenities, like buses and the library?

What if I’m not self-employed and my employer automatically deducts NI and P.A.Y.E?

If I am employed where my NI and P.A.Y.E. is taken at source, do I need to fill out both deed forms?

Does the Primary Beneficiary Need to Sign the Deed of Declaration?

But if I haven’t given the HMRC any money, how have I paid?

Won’t the HMRC come after me, no matter what the law?

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