ProbityCo is an independent, voluntary coalition of people working to bring together those who believe conscience should trump statute – especially when the statutes are written by those with conflicting interests.

Chris Coverdale is a former governance consultant and peace campaigner who is actively engaged in informing local and central governments on how to observe and enforce the laws of war. Chris set up ProbityCo in 2023 to help taxpayers avoid complicity in aiding and abetting war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. By withholding tax, taxpayers can hold HM Government to account until it abides by those international war laws to which it is a signatory.

Hugh Goggin is a chartered accountant and homoeopath who in 2020 saw the global mandating frenzy to jab the entire population for what it clearly is. When he came across Probity’s Declaration and Deed in March 2023, he immediately actioned it. He is also an active member of the Peace Keepers’ tax rebellion movement.