ProbityCo for Business

Where We Are Today

In Britain today, 6.7M people are in financial difficulty and 14.4M people live in poverty of which 4.2M are children. The national debt currently stands at 2.975TN, increasing by £5,170 per second. The interest on our national debt is 116BN and we pay a further £69BN to the MOD which combined equates to £6,560 per UK household for interest on money from thin air to partly fund wars of aggression.

Over two million people took to the streets of London in 2003 to protest the impending war with Iraq, a war that cost £8.46 billion and led to the death of 675,000-1M people. Afghanistan cost the taxpayer a further £21.3 billion – a figure which includes VAT!

The reasons given for these acts of aggression were based on lies. The actions carried out were war crimes for which to date nobody has been held accountable. Since WWII Britain has been complicit in the deaths of over 8M people and cost the taxpayer £1.2TN.

How does this affect business?

Under international law the use of armed force is only lawful when a State is under attack by the armed forces of another State and needs to defend itself and repel its attackers. All other forms of war are illegal.

The International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism (1999) which has been ratified into UK Law states that: 

‘Any person commits an offence, if that person by any means, directly or indirectly, unlawfully and wilfully, provides or collects funds in the knowledge that they are to be used, in full or in part, in order to carry out any act intended to cause death or serious bodily injury to any other person when the purpose of such act is to intimidate a population…’

If a taxpayer gives money to a tax collector such as a council, HMRC, the DVLA or a business charging VAT knowing that some of it will be passed to the Ministry of Defence to fund wars of aggression, he or she may be found guilty of acting unlawfully. With the current UK government unwilling to reveal ongoing advice from lawyers, and multiple NGOs, lawyers, civil servants, judges, charities and even those working for arms companies – already voicing their concerns and refusing to be complicit – the responsibility of ethical taxation lies solely at the door of the taxpayer.

What Can I Do?

Successive governments have consistently breached international and domestic law in order to further the UK’s ‘interests’ abroad. But if a serviceman is under a duty not to obey a manifestly unlawful order, why should a taxpayer? No taxpayer need be complicit in the funding of illegal wars of aggression and every taxpayer and employer who collects PAYE, NI for HM government and pays VAT has a responsibility to find out just how those taxes are spent and to obtain irrefutable proof they are not being used to fund wars of aggression, crimes against humanity and genocide.

This site provides information on how to withhold taxes from the government at such times when the government is in breach of domestic and international law.


There are multiple international laws, ratified into UK law which clearly state that it is a criminal offence in Britain to give money to a person or organisation if there is a reasonable cause to suspect that it may be used for criminal purposes, such as funding terrorism, wars of aggression or genocide.

Furthermore, the MOD’s own Manual of Military Law (1955) Part I, Chapter VI, Article 24 states: 

‘If a person, who is bound to obey a duly constituted superior, receives from the superior an order to do some act or make some omission which is manifestly illegal, he is under a legal duty to refuse to carry out the order and if he does carry it out he will be criminally responsible for what he does in doing so…’

Similarly, the MOD’s Manual of the Law of Armed Conflict states: 

‘Orders from a superior in this context include those of a government, a superior – military or civilian – or a national law or regulation. A serviceman is under a duty not to obey a manifestly unlawful order’

We therefore contend that to aid and abet actions which are in clear breach of international and domestic law, where aiding and abetting includes the funding of any wars of aggression which are manifestly illegal, would be a crime in which we are unwilling to be complicit and for which the perpetrator could be found criminally responsible.

Please read the Probity Statement

Who Are We?

ProbityCo is an independent, voluntary coalition of people working to bring together those who believe conscience should trump statute – especially when the statutes are written by those with conflicting interests.

Chris Coverdale is a former governance consultant and peace campaigner who is actively engaged in informing local and central governments on how to observe and enforce the laws of war.  Chris set up ProbityCo in 2023 to help taxpayers avoid complicity in aiding and abetting war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. By withholding tax, taxpayers can hold HM Government to account until it abides by those international war laws to which it is a signatory. 

Hugh Goggin is a chartered accountant and homoeopath who in 2020 saw the global mandating frenzy to jab the entire population for what it clearly is. When he came across Probity’s Declaration and Deed in March 2023, he immediately actioned it. He is also an active member of the Peace Keepers’ tax rebellion movement.

Probity Statement

Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime. – Ernest Hemingway 1946

War was outlawed in 1928 by the General Treaty for the Renunciation of War. Known as Kellogg-Briand Pact, the treaty was signed by sixty-three nations, including Britain & America who ratified the Pact condemning recourse to war and agreed to settle all disputes peacefully.

Yet in spite of this treaty and many others from the Geneva Convention to Nuremberg and the 1945 UN Charter still being in force, Britain has deployed its armed forces in combat missions 83 times in 47 countries since the end of the Second World War, with episodes ranging from brutal colonial wars and covert operations to efforts to prop up favoured governments. Attempts were also made to overthrow less favoured governments such as Guyana & Iran (1953), Egypt (1950s), Iraq (2003) and Libya (2011).  Millions of lives have been lost. Billions have been spent in order to serve the ‘interests’ of the very few at the cost of the many. The so-called Ministry of Defence (MOD) will be given £69BN of taxpayers’ money this year to subsidise the arms industry and fund more wars of aggression while offering little or nothing in the way of defence. A further £116BN of taxpayers’ money will go to the banks, interest on money that never existed for wars and investments which are not only unnecessary and illegal, but which will never benefit the British public.

It isn’t as though HM Government doesn’t know it’s breaking the law. Criterion 2c of the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing criteria clearly states that the government will ‘not grant a licence if there is a clear risk that the items might be used in the commission of a serious violation of international humanitarian law’. Yet the UK government did grant a licence to sell arms to the Saudis, while the Saudis continued bombing Yemen in violation of International Humanitarian Law.

Today, the UK government is committing the same offence in Gaza, by licensing arms to Israel, a state currently subject to an ICJ ‘plausible genocide’ ruling where genocide includes killing members of the group, causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group and deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about the destruction of the group in whole or in part – such as the withholding of food, clean water and electricity.

More than 600 lawyers, academics and retired senior judges signed a 17-page letter calling for the UK government to end weapons sales to Israel, warning that serious action was needed to ‘…avoid UK complicity in grave breaches of international law, including potential violations of the Genocide Convention’. Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden announced the UK government would be ‘holding Israel to high standards’ (a lower bar than that of the UK is hard to envisage) adding ‘We will of course act in accordance with our obligations under law in respect of arms sales’.

What kind of person needs advice from 600 lawyers, academics and retired judges, plus 800 civil servants worldwide, in order to understand that it isn’t acceptable for a first world super-power with nuclear capabilities, to bomb a blockaded, starving nation, which has no army, air force, navy and no means of defence or escape? What personality-type needs a piece of paper to understand such actions are inhumane? Those whose moral bankruptcy is at rock-bottom, namely governments, arms manufacturers, private bankers, re-construction companies, money launderers, lobbyist MPs and the rest – all of whom have benefitted financially across the centuries from the deaths of millions. Most people have a conscience. They don’t need a law telling them not to kill. No law is going to prevent those with the desire to kill, such as Dennis Nilsen, Harold Shipman, Fred West or the UK government.

Many refusing to pay tax on ethical grounds and are willing to accept the consequences of standing up to a morally bankrupt government, protected by a mostly cowed judiciary. HM government and their courts may struggle to claim that those who refuse to pay tax on ethical grounds are in violation of the law, when their taxes are being used to fund activities which are themselves in violation of international and domestic law. No government lacking the conscience to uphold international law, can be trusted to pen the legislation used to coerce taxpayers into funding government crimes, while claiming the failure of the taxpayer to fund such crimes…is against the law. While there is no positive UK case law regarding the withholding of taxes on ethical grounds, there are international humanitarian laws that have been ratified into UK law which make it clear that it is a criminal offence in Britain to give money to a person or organisation if there is a reasonable cause to suspect that it may be used for criminal purposes, such as funding terrorism, war or genocide.

The MOD’s own Manual of Military Law (1955) Part I, Chapter VI, Article 24 states: If a person, who is bound to obey a duly constituted superior, receives from the superior an order to do some act or make some omission which is manifestly illegal, he is under a legal duty to refuse to carry out the order and if he does carry it out he will be criminally responsible for what he does in doing so.

Nuremberg Principles Part IV: The fact that a person acted to the order of his government or a superior, does not relieve him of responsibility under international law provided that a moral choice was in fact possible to him.

The moral choice, surely, is to not sponsor genocide. Taxpayers can vote with their wallets and refuse to fund an arms industry dependent on division and conflict, in a bid to prevent trillions more being invested to serve the interests of the few at the cost of the many.

Documents & Forms

Below are all the documents you need to write to Jim Harra of the HMRC explaining why you are keeping your employees’ PAYE and NI in Trust for HM government (HMG) until such a time that HMG can guarantee the taxes of your employees will not be used to fund crimes against humanity, war crimes or genocide. At the end of the financial year, you send the final document on this page.

If HM government fails to fulfill its requirements as Primary Beneficiary, the monies in the trust go to the Secondary Beneficiaries, your employees.

Send your documents Deed (1), Liability (2) & Jim Harra(3) letters to HMRC by registered post which requires a signature. Also send an email copy. At the end of the financial year, send the Trustees End of Year Letter (4) giving HMG the option to remedy. If they fail to meet the conditions of the Trust, the PAYE and NI contributions held in Trust for HMG will be returned to your employees

Trust Deed (1)
Liability Letter to TAX & Debt collectors (2)
CEO Letter to Sir Jim Harra of the HMRC (4)
Notice of Revocation of Trust
This is the letter you send at the end of the tax year following the use of the Trust Deed

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