Companies & PAYE/NI

Legal Obligation of Companies and Employers

A company can open up a Trust for any of their members or employees to put all their taxes in. The company will only pay the money to the government once the government can prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, it is no longer involved in genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes or other criminal activities for that tax year. If the government is unable to prove this by the end of the tax year, the money goes back to the employee.

When your Employer Refuses to Acknowledge the Declaration and your Concerns
When an employee serves a Declaration to his/her employer and the company fails to acknowledge the Declaration, this can pose a significant issue for the employee. Should such a scenario arise, gather all pertinent documentation, including known breaches of international law by the government and their employees, plus details of any and all possible legal remedies. Your employer must understand that collecting taxes on behalf of a government which is in breach of international law (irrespective of whether the government has been found guilty in a court of law), means the employer is complicit in the criminal activities of the government.

For Corporation tax, Income Tax, all other taxes, send your letters recorded delivery plus in an email to the HMRC officers with whom you are corresponding and also to:

Jim Harra, Chief Executive and Collector of Taxes

HM Revenue and Customs 1 Horse Guards Road
London SW1A 2HQ

A note on VAT: If you are intending to withhold VAT, you will need to show how you intend repaying the VAT collected to those you have invoiced/charged VAT as these are the Primary Beneficiaries of the VAT tax trust. You cannot hold onto the VAT at the close of the tax year – even if the government continues to act in breach of international and domestic law – as you are not the Primary Beneficiary of the Trust. Please seek advice if you are considering withholding VAT.

Corporate D&D and Letter to Employer

Corporate Trust Deed
Tax Retention Request
Send this to your employer if you wish them to retain tax in a trust on your behalf.

At the Close of the Tax Year

If the government is able to show beyond a reasonable doubt that none of your monies will be used to fund terrorism, crimes against humanity, genocide or any other illegal activities, then you must pay the taxes set aside to the government. As the government will be unable to provide such assurances, on the actions of the MoD alone, the taxes set aside then revert to the Secondary Beneficiary – which is whoever you’ve named as Secondary Beneficiary in the Trust.

End of Tax Year Letter
Back to the TRUST Setup guide

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