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by S A Halewood
According to The Tax Payers Alliance, the average UK household will pay £1,101,255 in taxes over a lifetime – the lion’s share being made up of income tax, VAT, national insurance and council tax. Further taxes include alcohol duty, inheritance tax, petrol tax, road tax, airport tax, property sale tax, tax on cigarettes, capital gains tax…the list is endless. Soon there will be a new Green Tax and of course the ghost tax caused by the devaluation of the pound courtesy of QE.
If you asked people why they paid tax, the answer would probably be because it enables the government to provide services, such as roads, street lighting, libraries, education and healthcare.
The real answer is we pay tax because hundreds of years ago someone had a bigger stick than us, claimed the land as their own and then charged us for using it. The rent seeker creates zero wealth and earns their money from piracy. That’s not to say we’d want to empty bins, lay tarmac or amputate our own leg, but the tax system is not only out of control, it’s fraudulent and possibly illegal.
Council Tax for example, is optional. United Kingdom Supreme Court on 24/01/2017 in Miller & Anor, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union [2017] UKSC 5 at paragraph 46 main points states:
1. By virtue of the prohibition Parliament has imposed on the making of any provision imposing taxation contained within Schedule 2;1(1)(a) of the European Communities Act 1972 the provisions of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 imposing the Council Tax are invalid and of no effect in the law of the UK
2. By virtue of the prohibition Parliament has imposed on the Crowns authority or power to confer power to legislate contained within Schedule 2;1(1)(c) of the European Communities Act 1972 the provisions of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 imposing the Council Tax are invalid and of no effect in the law of the UK.
3. As the provisions of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 are NOT provisions of law, then there is no ‘obligation in law’ to pay the Council Tax, and an individual can lawfully withhold payment of the ‘Council Tax’
Disclaimer: I don’t have a problem paying council tax for services, but I do have a problem paying the same amount of council tax when there are reduced services (for example, during lockdown) or when council tax predominantly exists to pay council tax employees and their pensions, so they can collect….council tax.
So what happens when you don’t pay your council tax? The council will send out reminders and eventually a ‘court summons’, after which you will receive a Notice of Enforcement warning you of further costs for which you are allegedly liable, including ‘the cost of storing goods, the cost of hiring a locksmith and the cost of court fees in relation to any application under the Taking Control of Goods Regulations 2014’.
The good news is, none of these actions are lawful and some are illegal which is why the police don’t usually want to get involved.
Summonses should be authorised by a Justice of The Peace or Clerk to the Justices, whose signature should appear on the Summons, and the court signatory must have personally considered the complaint. The ‘court summons’ for council tax though, is not from the court, but from the council. But the council pretending to be the court can be considered as Fraud and Perjury under the 1911 Perjury Act and a crime under the Administration of Justice Act.
But that doesn’t stop the council. To hear ‘cases’, the councils hire a court for the day and employ a solicitor to act as a magistrate. That’s why you’ll never get a signed warrant coming from a magistrate’s court in regard to council tax – to sign it, would be a fraud.
As for entering your home, there is no law enabling bailiffs to enter domestic premises by reasonable force with the aim of recovering unpaid council tax, parking tickets, traffic debts, high court writs, county court judgements or bailiff fees. They can enter your home if they’ve been invited previously – but not by force.
The HMRC does have the right to enter your premises using a locksmith for collection of Income Tax, but first, they need to prove that Income Tax is legal.
In the US, income tax is not legal. Congress tried to bring in income tax in 1894, but the Supreme Court ruled it to be unconstitutional. They tried again in 1913 but no new power of taxation was added. There is no constitutional basis for a tax on Americans working in any legal framework, therefore you are going against the constitution by paying your income tax – you are being un-American.
In the UK, in accordance with domestic law and international law, if you have reasonable cause to suspect that HM Government is involved in criminal activity, you are obligated by law to withhold any and all forms of funding and support. To pay it would be illegal.
So is HM Government involved in criminal activity?
The Fraud Act 2006:
False representation:
i) During lockdown the Government continued to party because they knew Covid wasn’t a deadly disease – as stated on their own website – As of 19th March 2020, ‘COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK’. Lock down followed a few days later.
ii) The government employed a failed modeller known for hysterical predictions because they knew they needed hysterical predictions.
iii) The government employed a Nudge Unit (formerly known as the Behavioural Insights Team) in order to bolster their false representation and scare the public into staying home. This cost the taxpayer £250M.
iv) Vaccines are safe and effective. With no long-term safety data, this statement could not possibly be verified. As for efficacy of transmission, the Pfizer trial didn’t test for any efficacy in reduction of transmission, so adverts demanding you ‘Look Him in The Eye’ aimed at making the unvaccinated appear selfish, were based on a falsehood.
v) Covid is a disease of the unvaccinated. The government employed companies such as 23Red whose slogan is ‘We Change Behaviour for the Better’ and who are firmly behind ESG – the next big con in the redistribution of wealth strategy – to purposefully make false representation.
vi) The elderly would be tested for Covid before being returned to care homes.
vii) 150,000 people died of Covid.
Making a gain for himself or another (by making false representation):
i) Matt Hancock – 20% share in his sister’s company Topwood Limited which won an NHS framework contract and two NHS Wales contracts worth £150,000 each.
ii) Patrick Vallance – shares in GSK. Conflict of interests.
iii) The government invested taxpayers’ money in the AstraZeneca vaccine. The company Vaccitech made $110.5 million from its initial US public offering.
iv)Many companies made money as a result of the government’s misrepresentation of Covid.
Fraud by Failing to Disclose Information
i) Both the government and MHRA knew there were alternative protocols to treat COVID using drugs with long-term safety data, such as Ivermectin. They knew this because they were told by scientists and doctors directly.
ii) The government is still pushing the vaccines even though there is enough data to show lack of both safety and efficacy and that the vaccines have been shown to cause death and irreversible harm.
iii) A ‘legal duty’ to disclose information, is defined in the Law Commission’s Report on Fraud as being based on a transaction ‘of the utmost good faith’. Informed consent would be an example of good faith. But the public wasn’t informed.
The government uses words such as ‘power’, ‘leadership’ and ‘governance’ as though they have forgotten they are Servants of the People. In that, they have failed.
Tax rebel David Thoreau believed citizens should disobey the rule of law (and not pay tax) at such times when the law was unjust and when taxes were used to fund criminal enterprises.
That time is now.
Suzie Halewood
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