FOI: When Is It A Crime to Pay Tax?

by Chris Coverdale

Dear Collector of Taxes, HM Revenue and Customs,

In 2000 and 2001 Parliament enacted two new laws making it a criminal offence for a person to pay money to another if he or she suspects that the money may be used for the purposes of terrorism or war. The legislation defines terrorism as the use of firearms or explosives endangering life for a political or ideological cause. 

In 2013 the UK Supreme Court stated that the definition of terrorism in the Terrorism Act 2000 appears to extend to military and quasi-military activity approved by the UK Government . This implies that whenever taxpayers pay tax, including council tax and business rates, knowing that some of the money (7%) may be used to fund military and quasi-military activity that endangers life, we unwittingly commit a criminal offence. 

To ensure that local residents and taxpayers know the laws governing the payment of taxes, and do not unwittingly commit serious criminal offences , we need to know: 

1. Those occasions in law when the offences in sections 15 – 18 of the Terrorism Act 2000 do NOT apply to the actions of UK taxpayers and tax collectors; 
2. If references to ‘money’ in sections 15 – 18 of the Terrorism Act 2000 exclude money paid to Councils, to businesses collecting VAT, to banks loaning money to HMG or to HMR&C; 
3. Whether the phrase ‘conduct ancillary to’ in section 52 of the International Criminal Court Act 2001 excludes the provision of money, weapons or supplies; 
4. Whether the provision of money to local authorities, the payment of taxes to HMR&C or the provision of high-explosive weapons to Governments, knowing that they may be used to attack and harm men women and children, is an offence under Article 25.3(c) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court; 
5. When and in what circumstances it is a criminal offence to pay tax in the UK.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Coverdale

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